WiStim does so much more than track your menstrual cycle.
We put your fertility in focus.

WiStim is a fertility app created by female doctors to support family planning and contraception.

The WiStim Story

In France, more than two in every ten couples of childbearing age have fertility issues.

Our app was born in 2018 as a practical tool to revolutionise the management and care of couples trying for a baby. WiStim is becoming a lead-authority in preventing infertility in France. As medics ourselves, we appreciate that fertility treatments are complex and involve sharing sensitive medical information. Our secure platform ensures that your personal data is protected.

WiStim is a care pathway management and communication platform, a simplified messaging system for patients and their doctors. Meanwhile, a built-in ovulation calendar gives women a better understanding of their menstrual cycle and intimate health.

By empowering patients with information, WiStim reduces the risk of treatment errors, increases the chances of conception and improves the quality of patient care. WiStim is the app that puts fertility and women’s health first.

WiStim Team

Wistim Fertility Application: Dr Alexandra Mesner

Dr Alexandra Mesner



Application Cycle Menstruel: Dr Sarah Peyrelevade

Dr Sarah Peyrelevade



Wistim Fertility Application: Vanessa Do Vale

Vanessa Do Vale

Business Manager

Application Cycle Menstruel: Emma Desdet

Emma Desdet

IT Manager

More than a menstrual cycle tracker, WiStim allows you to really understand your reproductive health.

Wistim began with a friendship between two doctors, Alexandra and Sarah.

After they met at medical school, Alexandra specialised in biology and reproduction while Sarah turned to gynaecology and fertility treatments.

Wistim Founder: Fertility Application

After 13 years in their respective fields, they realised that fertility treatment is often an ordeal for patients despite the best efforts of medical staff.

To help couples, they created WiStim. This easy-to-use mobile app reassures women about procedures and reduces the likelihood of treatment errors.

WiStim continues to evolve and meet the needs of patients, ensuring maximum confidence for women. In 2022, Alexandra and Sarah decided to support a range of daily needs: fertility support, contraception reminders and menstrual cycle management. Being a woman has never been so easy with WiStim. The only fertility app that takes care of women's health in its entirety, with a menstrual calendar and ovulation calculator, as well as personalised support for all women on their fertility journey.

Wistim Team: Fertility Application