What is the MatriceLab test?

What is the MatriceLab test?

What does MatriceLab testing involve?

The MatriceLab test explores the uterine immunological environment during the period of uterine receptivity. This test focuses on understanding the first dialogue between the embryo and the maternal endometrium. It measures the health of the endometrium for possible embryo implantation in a fertility journey.


How is the MatriceLab test performed?

The MatriceLab test is based on an endometrial biopsy taken by aspiration one week after ovulation (implantation window). It is used to study how the uterus prepares immunologically to receive embryo implantation.


What can the MatriceLab test do for you?

The aim of this investigation is to identify a potential uterine imbalance that may have led to or contributed to embryo implantation failures.

  • Is it a lack of local reactivity, with the embryo failing to attach or being insufficiently nourished?
  • Is it a rejection mechanism? The local immune cells are hyperactivated and recognise the embryo as foreign.

Depending on the imbalance identified, suggestions for personalising the treatment are made to rebalance the environment and encourage embryo implantation.

A control test under therapy is sometimes necessary to ensure that the environment is normalised under treatment, particularly in the case of immune overactivation.

This MatriceLab test can be offered to patients who have had unexplained embryo implantation failures despite the transfer of so-called "good quality" embryos, or in the context of unexplained miscarriages.

This French innovation is being developed at the PARIS SANTE COCHIN start-up incubator.

For more information, visit www.matricelabinnove.com


Written by:

Dr Nathalie Lédée, MD Ph.D.,
Head of the Medically Assisted Reproduction Department,
Pierre Rouques "Les Bluets" Hospital


Gynaecological PathologiesMiscarriageFemale InfertilityPrevention

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