FAQ Fertility tests

Depending on the results, the fertility test will determine whether a fertility programme is a possibility. Find out what it is, when to have it and what happens after the declaration of infertility in our FAQ section.

General questions

Should I stay in bed between exams?

No, you don't have to stay still.

Is it normal not to have your period before the blood test?

Yes, it's normal not to have your period before the pregnancy test.

How long after the start of the period does the first follow-up ultrasound take place?

In the days that follow, depending on the protocol. It depends on the protocol, the time of a treatment and its composition vary according to the patient.

What does an ultrasound scan on day 3 involve?

The D3 ultrasound is a pelvic ultrasound check-up generally carried out on the 3rd day of menstruation (hence its name), which enables the uterus and ovaries to be viewed in order to count the antral follicles.


How are tubes assessed?

Hysterosalpingography is an examination carried out by a specialist radiologist. He inserts a catheter into the uterus and injects a radio-opaque iodine product. Radiographic images are then taken to assess tubal permeability based on the diffusion of the contrast product.

What is hysterosalpingography?

Hysterosalpingography is carried out by a specialist radiologist. He introduces a catheter into the uterus and injects a radio-opaque iodine product. X-rays are then taken to assess tubal permeability based on the diffusion of the contrast product.

What is the antral follicle count?

Antral follicles are entities that contain oocytes (eggs). Counting them makes it possible to assess the ovarian reserve, i.e. the stock of oocytes.

What is hysterosonography?

Hysterosonography is a specialised ultrasound technique that uses a liquid injected into the uterine cavity to help assess the uterine cavity. It can be useful for visualising a polyp or fibroid.

Do I have to be fasting for the blood test?

There is no need to fast for hormone assays such as E2, LH, Pg or AMH.

What is conisation?

Conization is a surgical technique used to remove part of the cervix that is diseased (pre-cancerous lesion).

How do the follow-up ultrasounds work?

Ultrasound scans are performed endovaginally. They are used to measure the size of the follicle and thus determine the ideal day for the puncture.


What does MatriceLab testing involve?

The MatriceLab test explores the uterine immunological environment during the period of uterine receptivity.

What is driling?

A drilling is a surgical procedure that involves making holes in the ovaries to reduce the number of follicles. This procedure may be proposed for polycystic ovary syndrome.

What is hatching?

Hatching is a biological technique used to thin the zona pellucida (embryo envelope) when it is too thick to help implantation.

What is embryoscopy?

The embryoscope is an embryo incubator equipped with a camera that continuously films the development of the embryo.

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